The Costa Rica Convention Center in San Jose, Costa Rica where RightsCon was held from 5-8 June 2023
I was very excited to attend RightsCon in San Jose, Costa Rica in early June of this year. I attended quite a few remarkable panels, including several on the topic of disinformation as an information globally and others on strategies in dealing with hate speech and online harassment, especially against women and the LGTBQIA+ community.
Given my own experience living and teaching in South Korea, a favorite session for me was “Unlocking the hermit kingdom: How North Koreans are watching Squid Games.” I wrote a summary of what I learned in this session for Medium entitled: North Korea, Not As Isolated as You Might Think.
Related, RightsCon will be hosted in Seoul, South Korea in 2024. I’d love to return there to see how Korea has changed since I spent several months there.